Bernard was working on third IndyCar manufacturer

Question: I went to see “Turbo" today and really enjoyed it. My grandkids went, too, and loved it. It gave me hope that a new generation could be hooked on IndyCar. It also made me think about Randy Bernard and some of the things he did for the sport. They include: Turbo, doubleheaders, Pocono, getting rid of the awful IRL name, replacing Brian Barnhart with Beaux Barfield, and getting the new ultra-competitive car produced. There might have been some things he messed up, but he really did some great things that could impact IndyCar and the Indianapolis 500 for years to come. (Paul, Indianapolis)

Answer: You are so right about that, and I have tried to point out the Randy Bernard initiatives as they come to fruition. There are others, too, including the work getting at least another engine manufacturer in the sport. Curt Cavin, Indy Star

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