Acura cut budget when Audi pulled out

According to sources, Acura cut their LMP1 budget substantially when Audi pulled out. Audi said they pulled out because of budget constraints but scuttlebutt in the paddock is that they didn't want to harm their brand image by getting beat by a Japanese company like Acura (i.e. Honda) or the Mazda in the Dyson Lola. It's one thing to compete and get beat by a Mercedes Benz, BMW or even Peugeot, but if they get beat by Acura it lowers their image and raises Acuras according to our source. Adding to this logic is the pullout of the Penske factory Porsche effort. Audi does not mind going head-to-head with Porsche as they consider them to be in the same 'class' of status symbol car. Supposedly Audi decided to let the Mazdas and Acuras compete for best in 'Japanese class' in order to maintain their brand image.

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