Mercedes unveils F1 car of the future

Formula Zero concept model

Mercedes' new concept introduces energy efficiency as part of the competition. Photo: Mercedes / Barcroft Media

Dubbed the Formula Zero, the model heralds a potential revolution in the sport.

Motor racing of the future would have almost as much in common with bobsleigh events as motor racing, with the cars hurtling around steeply banked and possibly elevated tracks.

According to the company, the new sport would "combine the thrill of Formula One, the track dynamics of the bobsled or luge, and the grace and efficiency of yacht racing".

It would give spectators a stunning view of the action not only from the side, but below.

Given the concern about the use of carbon fuels, this vehicle would use electric power.

It would also be designed to use power as efficiently, with the Zero racer designed to generate as much thrust as possible from its electric hub motors, aero-efficient solar skin and high-tech rigid sail.

While the winner of a Formula 1 race is the driver who crosses the finishing line first, other factors would be taken into account in the revamped sport of 2025.

Each team would be allocated the same amount of stored energy at the beginning of the race.

The winner would be the driver who was not only fastest but also on the basis of the team's energy efficiency.

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