No standing starts until Portland

UPDATE #2 This rumor is upgraded to 'fact' with today's announcement by Champ Car.

03/11/07 Maybe one out of twenty stalled their car during Saturday's standing start practice. Now it's more related to the drivers getting the hang of things than Cosworth fixing things…..but we still hear Champ Car will wait until Portland followed by Cleveland, both of which have very wide main straights, to do the first two standing start races. After that, if everything goes well, they will try it on the three Canadian Circuits.

03/10/07 Standing Start testing went much better today at Mazda Raceway than Friday as Cosworth made some software changes last night and the drivers got the hang of how it all works. However, according to sources, Champ Car will not implement Standing Starts until the Portland race. They will use the gap in the schedule between Houston and Portland to do more testing and refine the system.

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