Silver Crown cars to run at Darlington?

Open-wheel racing was Harold Brasington's original inspiration for building Darlington Raceway. He'd seen cars racing at Indianapolis and wanted to duplicate that excitement in South Carolina.

But since the track opened as NASCAR's first superspeedway with the 1950 Southern 500, Darlington has come to be known for stock-car racing. Open-wheel cars haven't been there in more than 50 years.

That will change next week, however. The U.S. Auto Club will hold a test session for its Silver Crown series cars at Darlington next Thursday and Friday.

The USAC Silver Crown series is in its second year of competition with a new style car built for competition on pavement. The cars weigh 1,700 pounds without a driver, roughly half the weight of a Nextel Cup car, and have engines that generate 750 to 800 horsepower.

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