Yates eyes third car

Robert Yates Racing [#38-Elliott Sadler, #88-Dale Jarrett] officials say the believe they need to move toward a third team, and efforts are in the works. Team manager Eddie d'Hondt said Saturday that he is to meet Tuesday in Baltimore with official of Citi Financial, current sponsor of RYR's Busch team, to see about a Cup program. Doug Yates, RYR president and leader of Roush/Yates Engines, said he understands that RYR has fallen behind the two majors, Roush and Hendrick, and that expansion is a competitive necessity. "That's the thing Robert and I always thought, that getting more teams was getting kind of greedy," Doug said. "We look back now [and realize] we missed the boat on it a little with all the opportunities we had." The RYR philosophy, as seen by Robert, has been the old Junior Johnson method: Let lesser teams develop the drivers, then snatch them up for the top seats when they are ready. It's a new world, Doug says, hinting that he has seen it coming. Yates and d'Hondt agreed that driver development will be a significant part of the team's future efforts, although Cup drivers Dale Jarrett and Elliott Sadler have driven RYR's newly-founded Busch car all year. d'Hondt said RYR needed to get the team up and running, with a veteran baseline, before throwing a newcomer into the seat. Speed Channel Notebook