2016 CART Reunion announced

If you missed the fantastic CART reunion last year, you will have a chance to mingle and catch up with everyone this year. The 2nd reunion will be held October 7 and 8 in Indianapolis. Any credentialed member of the CART series from 1979 to 2008 is invited to attend. Last year's event was the Friday night barbecue and Saturday night was a dinner with an awards presentation.

"We had an overwhelming 70% response to our survey after the last reunion and the consensus was to have another one" stated Paul Leyton, president of the committee.

"We have the same organizing committee from last year. We will have hotels available in the area. By getting the word out sooner this year, we hope to have more people attend. It does not matter what series you are working in now, if you worked for CART, you are invited to attend."

For more details as they are finalized, visit the website at www.cartreunions.org.

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