Mike Joy remembers Buddy Baker

Thoughts of FOX NASCAR play-by-play announcer Mike Joy on Buddy Baker, with whom Joy called NASCAR races for TNN and CBS for years:

"Of all my broadcast partners, no one enjoyed his job more than Buddy Baker. 'Look at the things we get to do, the places we get to go, and we get paid to go and have fun!’ he would say.

"Buddy taught me a lot about enjoying the moment and appreciating the opportunities we have. Buddy on interacting with fans: ‘If you're nice to someone, they'll tell all their friends. But if you act ill toward someone, they'll tell people in the elevator, perfect strangers, everybody!'

"He had a great curiosity about words and the craft of broadcasting. I once described the fall Phoenix race using a word on the air he wasn't familiar with. He repeated it. 'Penultimate, huh?' 'Yes,' I said, 'It's the next to last of a series of important events.' 'Oh, well alright then!' Buddy exclaimed.

“We spent a lot of off air time together, co-hosted a couple of racing cruises, and once drove through the edges of a tornado to get to a dinner on time. I wouldn't trade my time with Buddy for anything. He really cared about his role and about our viewers, and he was a great friend."