Proposed IndyCar schedule spot on

Dear Brian at, I was reading your article regarding the Indy Car schedule and couldn’t agree more. I don’t know how Indy Car expects to build the brand, if they drop off the face of the earth for 6 months of the year. That’s an eternity in our short attention span society. As long time Indy car/ motorsports fan, one such group that figured this out has been the AMA supercross/ motocross series over the last several years. Speed/NBC & CBS have picked up several events over the last four years or so. But its promoter group was much quicker to respond to schedule changes to help promote the series. The series starts the first weekend in January and ends the first week of September. Hopefully you have some clout with the folks at Indy Car, and they would take your tentative schedule under advisement for next season. John Swope, Hollidaysburg, Pa.

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