IndyCar moves to stop Penske ‘Unfair Advantage’

Roger Penske always has had an unfair advantage in racing. In fact a book was written about Penske called just that – 'Unfair Advantage. With the rumor that Penske and Chevy have hooked up and will announce a new IndyCar deal today at 10 AM (along with Penske's Ilmor engine shop) has everyone in the IndyCar paddock saying, "here we go again."

But there may be good news that will prevent Penske from having a leg up on everyone yet again. reports that – The 2012 IndyCar Series rules aren’t yet finished, but according to Tony Cotman, the respected Kiwi who has been tasked with writing the new IndyCar chassis and engine regulations, preventing a powerhouse duo like GM and Penske from dominating the series is something he’s had in mind from the moment he took the job.

“No exclusive agreements between teams and manufacturers are allowed. Every team will have the same specification engine, depending on which manufacturer they use, at all times. If and when an upgrade becomes available, it will be done to all engines before it is released to the field. No one will have anything—a camshaft, valve, injector, piston or whatever—before the next guy. Everyone will receive the same treatment."

The next area of the 2012 rules Cotman is working on involves making engines available to those who want to use a particular power plant.

“Now we have to decide how to divvy up the engines. I do not think that a manufacturer should dictate where their engines do or don’t go. The goal [for the series] is to have as close to a 50/50 split as possible, or whatever the ratio is based upon how many engine manufacturers we have. Even distribution is our goal for the new 2012 rules."

There appears to be a bit of an exception in the case of the companies involved in Friday’s announcement, which Cotman addressed.

“In this case, Penske brought Chevy; I don’t think we’re going to stop teams from bringing manufacturers to the series. That’s just good business for the sport. If Andretti or Conquest wants to bring a new manufacturer in, for example, they are welcome to and will have every right to work with them. We won’t prohibit teams from working with ‘their’ manufacturers, but there will not be any special treatment that comes from it." [Editor's Note: And if you believe that one we have a bridge to sell you. As long as Penske is again allowed to do his special engine deal on the side, he'll get the advantage.]

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