Why the push for electric cars?

A reader writes, Why is AutoRacing1.com so in favor of eclectic cars, what will that mean to racing should the industry move that way? Joan Barkley

Dear Joan,

  • It costs about $5 to recharge the batteries on the new Tesla Model S sedan to drive 250 miles. Compare that to what you pay at the pump today for your polluting internal combustion engine car…..and the price of gasoline is on the way back up again!
  • How much longer are we going to pollute our environment with pollutants from internal combustion engines, be they burning gasoline, diesel or biofuel?
  • Why should the world continue to buy oil from terrorist countries?
  • There is not an unlimited supply of fuel for internal combustion engines
  • The French have proven that almost all the waste from Nuclear Power plants is reusable (see related article), so there is no longer an issue of where to store it. The time has come for America and the rest of the world to build more nuclear power plants and get 100% of our electricity from this clean technology. Do you realize how much pollution our existing coal and oil burning power plants pump into our environment each and every day?
  • In a few short years electric cars will be developed to the point that they will be superior to today's cars in every way imaginable. They are quiet, will accelerate faster, have much fewer movable parts to break, need but a 1 speed transmission, and best of all, they put out zero, read that ZERO, pollution.
  • As for the future of racing, we're not sure, but any racing body that is not already thinking about this will be left out in the cold.

We have seen the future, and it is electric! Mark C.

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