Memorial Services for Larry H. Miller Announced

The viewing on Friday, February 27 is from 4-8 p.m. in the VIP room at EnergySolutions Arena. This viewing is open to the public and attendees should enter the building through the main entrance on the plaza level where they will then be directed to the VIP room. The family has requested that there be no media coverage of the viewing other than one pool still photographer who will then distribute still photos to all print and television media accordingly. Details on how the distribution will take place will be available in the next few days.

The family asks that those in attendance (public) please refrain from bringing cameras or recording devices to the viewing. Media is welcome to attend with the public, but is not permitted to bring still or video cameras or any other type of recording device. There will be no media section and no credentials issued nor any other special accommodations for media who choose to attend.

TV stations that wish to park outside of EnergySolutions Arena at any time during the viewing may do so by contacting Trent Falcone, Marketing Director for EnergySolutions Arena. We request that each station bring no more than one truck due to limited available space in the designated parking areas. Trent will direct you to an appropriate parking spot. or (801) 325-2063

The funeral on Saturday, February 28 is at noon in the arena bowl at EnergySolutions Arena. The funeral is a religious service and the public is welcome to attend. The family has requested that there be no media coverage of the funeral other than one pool still photographer who will then distribute still photos to all print and television media accordingly. Details on how the distribution will take place will be available in the next few days.

The family asks that those in attendance (public) please refrain from bringing cameras or recording devices to the funeral. Media is welcome to attend with the public, but is not permitted to bring still or video cameras or any other type of recording device. There will be no media section and no credentials issued for the funeral nor any other special accommodations for media who choose to attend.

TV stations that wish to park outside of EnergySolutions Arena at any time during the funeral services may do so by contacting Trent Falcone, Marketing Director for EnergySolutions Arena. We request that each station bring no more than one truck due to limited available space in the designated parking areas. Trent will direct you to an appropriate parking spot. or (801) 325-2063

As is typical, the family requests that the internment remain private and only open to the family itself and very close friends. They ask that no public or media attend the internment. A pool photographer will capture photos and distribute to the media accordingly. Details on how the distribution will take place will be available in the next few days.

There will be no reserved parking for media for either the viewing or funeral. Public parking is available in various lots surrounding the building. Only one TV truck per station will be allowed to park in front of the building and a spot must be reserved, in advance, through Trent Falcone. All other media attending either the viewing or funeral will have to find public parking. The normal media spots on 100 South and in the back lot of the arena will be reserved for the Miller family. Thank you for your understanding in advance.

02/23/09 Memorial services were announced today for Larry H. Miller, owner of Larry H. Miller Group of Companies. Miller passed away on Friday, February 20, from complications due to type 2 diabetes at the age of 64.

A viewing will be held Friday, February 27, 2009 from 4-8 p.m. at the EnergySolutions Arena, in the VIP room, 301 West South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84101. Funeral services will also take place at the EnergySolutions Arena on Saturday, February 28 at 12 noon. Interment to immediately follow at the Salt Lake City Cemetery, 200 N Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84103. The public is welcome to attend all aforementioned services.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to Larry H. Miller Charities, for the benefit of women and children in need, 301 West South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101.

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