AutoWeek Becomes Bi-Weekly

Starting with the January 5, 2009 issue, AutoWeek will switch from a weekly to a biweekly magazine. According to the publication’s press release, less is more. “This change gives us the opportunity to grow as a brand," opines brave-faced publisher Keith Crain, “and increase our reach to enthusiast consumers, making AutoWeek much more than just a weekly." (Or, in fact, less.) Needless to say, AutoWeek will not become AutoBiWeek (although one wonders if that name might open up new profit opportunities). “Modifying the frequency of the magazine’s distribution allows us to focus on more comprehensive editorial features and vehicle reviews. We look forward to providing lengthier and more comprehensive pimpatorials, although our paper quality will go down the toilet. So to speak." I just made the last two sentences up, obviously. But not this: “I’m thrilled to be able to make a great brand better," said AutoWeek editor and Associate Publisher, Dutch Mandel. “The changes demonstrate our commitment to evolve in an ever changing world. Our readers now demand news the moment it happens, which we provide to them at These changes will allow us to deliver more in-depth coverage in our products. Our readers will be excited and pleased." In fact, they already have a new strapline with which they can take delight. “AutoWeek is America’s only fortnightly automotive enthusiast consumer magazine."

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