Brabham Collects BRDC Woolf Barnato Trophy

(L to R) Darren Turner and David Brabham receive the BRDC Woolf Barnato Trophy, presented by Jackie Oliver, BRDC Director, and Jonathan Turner, Chief Executive of Gulf UK – sponsors of the award

David Brabham was awarded the BRDC Woolf Barnato Trophy, sponsored by Gulf, on Monday 8 December during the British Racing Drivers’ Club Awards 2008 ceremony at the Café Royal, London. For the second year in a row, Brabham jointly collected the award with Aston Martin Racing teammate Darren Turner, as the highest-placed finishing British or Commonwealth drivers in a British car, following their double GT1 Le Mans 24-Hour class victory in the Aston Martin DBR9 #009.

The British-born Australian ace was delighted to accept the award and commented: “This year was my 15th year of racing at Le Mans, so to win the GT1 class again with Aston Martin Racing and the support of Gulf was something special. The BRDC Woolf Barnato Trophy just tops it off.

“The Le Mans 24-Hour race is one of the highlights of my season and after competing in it for so long I am always keen to return. What will happen next year is anyone’s guess, but I have an open mind and hope the opportunity will arise again. Naturally my priority for 2009 is the LMP1 program in the American Le Mans Series with Acura and Patr¢n Highcroft Racing, so if the race fits around that schedule I certainly hope to return."

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