Update to MIS August NASCAR story

AutoRacing1.com readers might remember the August NASCAR race at Michigan Speedway, which finally ran in the fog after 3 days of steady rain. As part of the news coverage, a NASCAR official announced that, should the race not happen on Tuesday, it would be held "on the weekend after the Homestead race."

Yeah, well, that might work if you're racing at Daytona, but it generally doesn't work in Michigan. Next weekend's weather forecast calls for cloudy skies, 34 degrees, after 4 days of rain and snow. Obviously the Goodyear tire people are relieved that they don't have to provide snow tires, and car builders are happy that they don't have to install defrosters inside of the cars.

Perhaps this potential debacle will cause NASCAR to look at some real contingency plans in case of a complete rain out at a northern track! Tim Wohlford

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