Another IRL driver arrested for DUI

UPDATE #3 Foyt has been cleared of a driving-under-the-influence charge stemming from a Dec. 10 traffic violation in Mecklenburg County, N.C. But how do you get cleared if you failed the Breathalyzer test?

03/13/07 Interestingly AJ Foyt IV has been removed from the list of drivers on the IRL's own website. Not sure if it's a mistake or whether there is still more to this story to be told. The Vision Racing website still lists Foyt IV as one of their drivers.

03/07/07 A.J. Foyt IV will keep his Indy-car ride with Vision Racing while a charge of driving under the influence is being settled, his employer said. "Based on what I know at this time, his status as a driver of the team is not affected pending disposition of the matter," Vision co-owner Tony George said Tuesday in an e-mail to The Star.

03/05/07 Like he doesn't crash enough already, it seems IRL driver AJ Foyt IV was recently arrested in Mechlenburg County, North Carolina for driving while intoxicated. In most states you lose your drivers license if caught driving drunk, so without a valid drivers license does that make him eligible to be a race car driver? He apparently paid a $1,000 bond to get out of jail. We wonder if grandfather AJ Foyt slapped him silly when he found out.

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