Everything happens in NASCAR for a reason

A reader writes, Dear AR1.com, Isn't amazing how transparent NASCAR has become lately? First Congress starts to question the continued value of the military services sponsoring NASCAR teams in the day and age of fiscal austerity and economic struggles, which could seriously threaten the existence of several teams then the next thing you know, a car sponsored by the Air Force suddenly sits on the pole of the next NASCAR race on Memorial Day weekend of all weekends. If NASCAR pulls the same stunt they usually do with staged poles and Almirola quickly drops to the middle or back of the pack, it does nothing but dishonors our servicemen and women by awarding the Air Force sponsor a pole as nothing more than a publicity stunt.

Keep up the great coverage, and from the proud son of a veteran my prayers go out to the families of those who lost men and women in service of their country. –Mika Malehorn