F1 Eifel GP Practice 2 cancelled as fog continues (Update)
Sadly that is it for practice on Friday then as both practice sessions have now been cancelled. With no change in the conditions and the visibility still too poor for the medical helicopter to fly even the afternoon session could not run.

October 9, 2020
Well the clock has ticked over to 3:00pm local time in Germany but sadly the track is still fogged in and the start of Practice 2 for the Eifel GP has been delayed. The next update is due in half an hour from Race Control, and the forecast was for the weather to clear up as the afternoon wears on…but it still looks pretty bad.
The wind is increasing though which is good news in terms of blowing the fog out – but bad news for the drivers who will be managing twitchy cars already as they struggle to keep heat in their tires.