IndyCar: St Pete Chamber of Commerce Event with Robb Interview

The St Petersburg Chamber of Commerce had an opening event before the NTT INDYCAR Series season opener this afternoon at the St Petersburg Yacht Club.  The brunch is well attended by chamber members and some IndyCar, Indy NXT, and other series drivers excited to start the season in such a great city.

After the steak and egg lunch, the best announcement was the two-year extension for the Firestone brand’s title sponsorship of the Firestone Grand Prix of St Petersburg presented by RP Funding through 2025.

AR1 talked with Sting Ray Robb, the rookie that will be driving the number 51 this season for Dale Coyne Racing with RWR entry.  Robb was the second runner-up in the Indy NXT 2022  Championship.


Sting Ray Robb       Photo by Lucille Dust/AR1

‘It is weird to think I am going to be one of the drivers starting this Sunday’s race.  I have been watching the highlights from the last few years.”

“We have been pushing really hard training the last two weeks, trying to get ready to be in the car.  Lots of heat training, because it is going to be warm this weekend.  Sitting in the sauna, sweating it out.”

“As we get into more intense training it seems the weightlifting gets harder.  It turns into a cardio event.  PitFit did a study recently on our hearts. They did an ultrasound on the drivers’ hearts, they did an O2 max test and a few other things.  A good baseline to have so we can track it through the season and make sure that I am not losing muscle mass during the season.”

“I was at the Coyne shop recently for a seat fit and we did pit stop practices.  I am getting more comfortable with those.  I am not too scared of the pit stops anymore.  I feel like I know what I am doing now.”

“it is funny because Dale (Coyne) will watch.  He has his stopwatch out, and he is timing us. Everyone on the corners, myself.  He will tell me, “You are that far out; you are a little long or a little short.””

Lucille Dust reporting live from St Petersburg




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