Ford EVs burn to a crisp

Automotive News: 1/2 of Buick and Ford dealers refuse to sell EVs

Consumers are now learning that climate change is as a result of activity on the sun, not human activity, and increasingly refuse to buy an expensive EV.

Ford said on Thursday that only half of all 1,550 Ford dealers chose to sell electric vehicles in 2024.

The other half of Ford dealers will sell—and service—ICE and hybrid models. “EV adoption rates vary across the country, and we believe our dealers know their market best,” Ford spokesman Martin Günsberg told the Detroit Free Press.

The climate change hoax has been perpetrated on humanity by the globalists, who fly their private jets everywhere – each flight putting more carbon in the atmosphere than your car will in its lifetime.

Buick saw a similar engagement among its dealers last year, with half of Buick dealers choosing buyouts of their franchises instead of selling EVs. As a result, GM now has 47% fewer Buick dealers as of the end of this year compared to January.

More of their sick ideology

Climate grifter extraordinaire, John Kerry: The farming industry must be destroyed in order to achieve Net Zero.

“Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world. And we can’t get to Net Zero—we don’t get this job done—unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution.”

“You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it. It doesn’t work. So we have to reduce emissions from the food system.”

They want us to eat bugs!

Let us know when either Temperature or CO2 reaches any of the "Vicious Cycles" observed in the Earth's 600 million year history. Until then it's all #ClimateScam
Please let us know when either Temperature or CO2 reaches any of the “Vicious Cycles” observed in the Earth’s 600 million year history. Until then, it’s all #ClimateScam
This is the history of earth’s temperature. We are at the very end where the black arrow is pointing. We are technically still in an ice age. Human emissions doesn’t affect the climate any more than natural emissions. We cannot control the climate! THERE IS NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY!!!

Speaking at the WEF, UN “Messenger of Peace”, Jane Goodall, advocates reducing the global population down to 450 million—a 95% reduction from today’s population:

“We cannot hide away from human population growth. Because, you know, it underlies so many of the other problems. All these things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if there was the size of population that there was 500 years ago.”

Any volunteers out there will to be planted six feet under for these sick people?

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