Toto Wolff Bahrain Preseason Testing Press Conference

Formula 1 News: Wolff comments on Horner saga

Toto Wolff was the only Team Principal to comment at Preseason Testing on Christian Horner’s Red Bull investigation saga.

Speaking to the media in Bahrain, Wolff urged F1 to “learn” from it as it’s an issue that affects everyone involved in the sport.

“I think it’s clear,” said Wolff. “F1, and what the teams do, we stand for inclusion, equality, fairness, diversity.

“And it’s not only about talking about it, but living it day, day out. And I think this is the standard that we’re setting ourselves.

“We are a global sport and one of the most important sports platforms in the world and are role models, but having said that there is a lot of speculation happening over the past few weeks,” added Wolff.

“I think what’s important at that stage, for process with rigor, I think what Red Bull has started as an independent investigation, if this is done in the right way, with transparency, and with that rigor, I think that’s something that we need to look at, what the outcomes are, and what it means for F1, and how we can learn from that.

“Because we want to talk about racing cars. And we want to talk about the sport, rather than these kinds of very, very critical topics that are more than just the team’s issue.

“It’s a phenomenon, or it’s an issue for all F1. And in general, for every individual that works out there.”

Toto Wolff and James Vowles Bahrain Preseason Testing Press Conference
Toto Wolff and James Vowles Bahrain Preseason Testing Press Conference
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