What becomes of the Champ Car Safety Team?

A reader writes, Dear AutoRacing1.com, With merger announcements due out on Friday at 11:00 am, many of us who have worked for CART and CCWS have been left out of the loop, specifically the Holmatro Safety team.

There are several people who have dedicated years of service to CART and Champ Car and we have no clue on our future. The Champ Car Safety Team sponsored by Holmatro has been and continues to be the gold standard in motorsports safety. We have been loyal and faithful and stayed committed through the CART era and now the CCWS era. One of the most positive aspects through the CART years and deconstruction to the present CCWS/IRL debacle has been the safety medical unit.

Any ideas on what happens to us?

Our leadership at Champ Car at least owes all us firefighter paramedics who make up the Holmatro Safety Team an honest answer about our future. Name withheld for obvious reasons.

Dear Safety Team member, If I were you I would tell your guys to start to make inquiries to the IRL as to any openings they may have on their safety team. Perhaps the Holmatro sponsorship will move over to IRL in some way, shape, or form, but Delphi has the sponsor deal for the IRL safety team so there would be a conflict there. Mark C.

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