Rain to affect Brazil finale

UPDATE (GMM) Friday practice could be wet at the Interlagos circuit, but F1's 2007 championship decider is expected to be played out in dry conditions for qualifying and the race.

The Brazilian meteorology institute Climatempo said on Thursday that the area outside of downtown Sao Paulo is now expected to be dry on both Saturday and Sunday, with warm temperatures for the final race of the formula one season.

In another development prior to the race weekend, it has emerged that extensive resurfacing has taken place at the circuit — which may explain Bridgestone's debatable decision to supply the softest Monaco-style selection of tires for the usually demanding layout.

"The surface is far smoother now," Interlagos' chief engineer Luis Ernesto Morales said in a statement on Wednesday.

The pit lane entrance has also been tweaked.

10/17/07 The F1 teams are gearing up for a wet grand prix in Brazil as the 'forecast is currently predicting rain all weekend.'

The rain, which always adds a bit of excitement to the weekend's events, has been predominant the past two grands prix.

In Japan the drivers had to start behind the Safety Car because it was so wet while in China the rain at the start of the grand prix played a crucial role in tire choice and ultimately the outcome of the grand prix.

And for the third successive race weekend the weather is set to play a role in the outcome of the race and perhaps even the outcome of the Drivers' Championship as downpours are expected in Brazil.

Williams technical director Sam Michael revealed that the "forecast is currently predicting rain all weekend," while new driver Kazuki Nakajima claimed that it "looks like it's going to rain over the weekend, so the weather is going to make the whole process quite tricky."

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