Too many pay drivers

A reader writes, Dear, Regarding your recent article about who will drive in Champ Car in 2007? Surely not the most talented drivers, but the best funded drivers. Actually Champ Car is a lot like ALMS and GrandAm, a few paid drivers and many paying drivers. The unfortunate truth. Tim DeCesaro

Dear Tim, This is not true. To the best of our knowledge all the drivers in Grand-Am are paid to drive by the team because all teams have sponsorship. Ditto for ALMS where many of the teams get manufacturer support and the drivers are paid quite well. As for Champ Car, unfortunately you are correct. Until such time as the teams learn how to get sponsorship on their own, far too many rely on the driver to bring some. While Champ Car has recovered from bankruptcy (just 3 years ago) quite well and are making the right moves in many areas, sponsorship is still one area that is seriously lacking. We shall see if their new TV deal helps in that regard. Mark C.

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