Champ Car to increase network TV next year

UPDATE #2 sources tell us again it's looking likely that 9 of 16 races will be on network TV in 2006, about six on CBS and about three on NBC. Mark C. 08/08/05 Given that buying TV time is turning out to not be as expensive as originally thought since TV ad revenue is covering much of the cost, we are hearing that if the inventory is available, Champ Car is toying with the idea of putting all North America and South America races on network TV in the USA. Since South America (Brazil and Argentina) is geographically in the same time zones as North America, network TV would work. Pacific Rim races, given the time difference probably makes no sense to have on network TV unless the cost was significantly less for midnight to 2 AM broadcasts. 07/15/05 We have it on good word that 8, possible 9, Champ Car races will be on network TV in 2006. That would represent at least 50% on network TV. The plan is to go higher in 2007.

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