Miller: IndyCar needs standing starts

Robin Miller writes on – The fans, on the other hand, are owed a chance to watch an exciting, fair, professional start at every race.

Long Beach was the biggest joke in recent memory and begs for a standing start – just like it had without incident in 2013 and 2014.

Indianapolis also needs a standing start for a couple of reasons. As Juan Montoya so eloquently stated, what do you expect when 25 cars going 190mph funnel into a first-gear corner?

Yeah, yeah, the 2014 standing start at IMS created carnage, but most of the standing starts in 2013 and 2014 were OK and the 2007 Champ Car season was all standing starts and went off flawlessly. It's still exciting and the cars are spaced better and going 30mph slower when they start braking into that tight Turn 1.

And the fans want and deserve them back.

Besides, the ONLY rolling start at the Speedway should be counter-clockwise, once-a-year with 33 cars on the most famous oval in the world. [Editor's Note: We agree with Robin that IndyCar needs to reinstate standing starts, and they need to do it after much practice and planning, but we disagree that the only rolling start at Indy should be once-a-year with 33 cars. Yes, the Indy 500 should be a rolling start on Memorial Day with 33 cars, but there should be a 400-miler on the oval with the usual 24 cars under the lights to end the IndyCar season on Labor Day weekend. It would be spectacular and within 5 years a huge hit.]

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