Dixon has adventure renewing license

A funny thing happened to three-time Verizon IndyCar Series champion Scott Dixon on the way to renewing his New Zealand driver's license.

Dixon, who lives in Indianapolis, was back in New Zealand as a featured speaker at the Big Boys Toys event this weekend and as a guest of honor at a luncheon for the CanTeen cancer support charity he's been involved with since 2007.

At the license bureau, Dixon was informed that he would have to retake the written test.

"I thought (the woman who authorizes the new license) was joking to start with, thinking they say that to all the people who come in to get their license renewed," Dixon told the New Zealand Herald. "I smiled a bit until I realized she wasn't joking. I asked when, if I had to reschedule it, and she told me I could do it right now. I didn't have a clue as it had been years since I'd done a driver's test or anything like that."

So now Dixon has two valid licenses in his wallet. Bureaucrats generating additional revenue.

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