Jeremy Mayfield: ‘I’m very encouraged’ about racing again

Former NASCAR driver Jeremy Mayfield says his call to a radio show to talk to NASCAR CEO Brian France was what he hopes is his first step forward to being reinstated in the sport.

Mayfield, who sat down for an interview with the Record Wednesday, also denies, as some reports have implied, that he called to confront France. He said he was not angry or confrontational and was sincere when he asked France what it would take to be reinstated in NASCAR.

On Tuesday night, France was appearing on Motor Racing Network’s NASCAR Live show. Mayfield got a text message from his wife, Shana, telling him France was on the show. Mayfield made the decision to call the show, figuring there was little chance he would be put through. Shana was with him at Wednesday’s Record interview.

“Brian (France) was informed that Mr. Mayfield was on the line and was open to speak to him, answering all of his questions," said Tracey Judd, a spokesperson for NASCAR.

After the call was put through, Mayfield said, “I thought I would just call in and see how you guys were doing. Haven't been around much to talk to you guys lately and just wanted to ask Brian if he's willing to accept the fact I'd like to come back racing and if we could sit down and talk about it and figure out what we need to do to make that work."

France said, "Well, Jeremy, you know the path back for you — it's the path back for anybody. I've always hoped you would choose the right path and not litigation and a bunch of other things, but that's up to you and you have a welcome mat out anytime you want," France said.

As Mayfield was saying his goodbyes, France can be heard saying," Would love to have you back."

Mayfield said Wednesday he has not been able to sit down with France and just talk without lawyers being involved since he was suspended from NASCAR in 2009. He said he hadn’t reached out to France or any officials at NASCAR until now because of his legal troubles. But those troubles started looking up, he said, and that’s part of the reason he decided to call in to the radio show.

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