Di Montezemolo missing F1 talks because father dies

Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo, who has threatened to pull his team out of Formula One unless the 2010 rules are changed, will miss Friday's crisis talks with Max Mosley after the death of his father.

The champions were represented instead by team boss Stefano Domenicali.

Friday's meeting with the FIA president, who has taken a low profile since the death of his son last week, will seek to end a standoff that threatens to tear the sport apart.

"I think this is a very important day, I think everybody feels we need to find a solution that makes sense for independent teams, manufacturers and the FIA," Williams chief executive Adam Parr said as he arrived at the Heathrow airport hotel. "Unfortunately we had an opportunity 12 months ago to do it in a more flexible and gentle way, and I fear time is running out."

The FIA want an optional £40 million cost cap, offering greater technical freedom than available to those teams staying on unrestricted budgets, that they say is needed for the sport's survival in the face of the global financial crisis.

Ferrari, and former champions Renault, say that will lead to a two-tier championship that they cannot accept and have both threatened to leave.

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