Milestone birthday for Yacamán

Gustavo Yacamán

Gustavo Yacamán has been waiting for Feb. 25, 2009, since he signed with Sam Schmidt Motorsports late last year.

Yacamán turned 18 on Feb. 25, clearing the way for him to get behind the wheel of a Firestone Indy Lights car for the first time in a private test at the Homestead-Miami Speedway on Feb. 26.

"I'm really looking forward to running," he said. "I've spent two days in the spotters' booth watching everyone run in traffic, and I've learned a lot without even being in the car. It's going to seem like it's not even my first day in the car with all that I've learned. I hope it's going to be a pretty amazing experience and that I can do a good job."

Yacamán has been at the track since Feb. 23 watching teammate Ana Beatriz and an assortment of others turning laps on the track. He's been a part of the debriefing sessions and such, but watching has been a test of patience for him.

"It was valuable time watching my teammate Ana Beatriz and everyone else because I can see the lines they were driving, how they heated up their tires, etcetera. I really learned a lot."

Besides not being able to drive, Yacamán has had to be patient on other fronts as well.

"I don't even have a credential yet. I have to be 18 for that too," he said.

His patience will be rewarded on Feb. 26 after everyone else has headed home when he runs his first laps. He'll spend the next few weeks on an intense testing program to catch up with his competitors and looks to be on the same foot as everyone else when the series kicks off its season on the streets of St. Petersburg on April 3.

"More than my birthday, I'm celebrating my official entry into Firestone Indy Lights," he said.

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