Fittipaldi: new car is beautiful

Emerson Fittipaldi tries out the new A1GP car for size

Emerson Fittipaldi has described the new A1GP Powered by Ferrari car as ‘beautiful.’

The A1 Team Brazil boss and double Formula One world champion never drove for Ferrari in his F1 career, but was so excited when the Ferrari partnership was announced last October that he immediately pledged to drive and test the car when he could.

Fittipaldi witnessed the first public running of the car at the launch event for A1GP earlier this week, and even tried out the cockpit for size.

“It was an historic day for A1GP," Fittipaldi said. “The new car is beautiful, much longer and wider than our old car, and has a lot of power.

"A1GP has still maintained its concept of running without electronic aids, so next season should see some very exciting races and will be a challenge for the drivers. The A1GP and Ferrari partnership is wonderful and our series will benefit from Ferrari’s 60 years of experience in motor racing."

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