Carmakers send engine deal letter to Bernie

(GMM) The car manufacturers in formula one have unanimously informed Bernie Ecclestone of their agreement to new engine regulations for 2010.

It was reported recently that a deal had been struck between the FIA president and the six engine manufacturers to introduce an energy recovery system that reuses energy stored under braking in the form of an 80 horse power 'boost button'.

Auto Motor und Sport said on Saturday that BMW, Ferrari, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, Renault and Toyota wrote up their agreement in a letter and sent it to F1's chief executive.

Their agreed new formula involves 675 horse power V8 engines that, from 2010, will have to last for four races without being changed, rather than the current two.

The small teams will benefit by receiving guaranteed customer engine supplies for no more than 10m euros a year.

Honda's desire that the 'engine freeze' regulations be freed to allow for one significant development step per season, however, was reportedly rejected and not included in the letter to Ecclestone.

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