Champ Car business model called into question

A reader writes, Dear, So much for Champ Car's Festivals of Speed business model. Cancelled races in Ansan, South Korea, Zhuhai, China, Denver, Phoenix, plus soft attendance at a few others will make other potential race promoters and sponsors run for the hills. I don't see NASCAR or F1 cancelling races. Do you think Kevin Kalkhoven and Gerald Forsythe will pull the plug after this year, because surely their 5-year business plan isn't working? Kevin Kohn

Dear Kevin, Indeed these cancelled races coupled with a lack of a series title sponsorship, manufacturer support, soft team sponsorship, low TV ratings, and major holes in its race schedule, need to be addressed, and addressed soon. Perhaps it's time they pull together some of the best minds in the business for a weeklong think tank meeting and at this time lay out a proper 5-year strategic plan, one that has the buy-in of all its major constituents. And Champ Car is not the only series dropping races – both the IRL and F1 have had to drop races that do not make economic sense. Mark C.

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