Primat satisfied with first Pescarolo test

Swiss racing driver Harold Primat was satisfied with his first test for double Le Mans Series champions Pescarolo Sport after getting a taste of the team’s all-conquering Pescarolo C60-Judd last week.

Primat spent three days testing the team’s 2006 car, which won all five rounds of the Le Mans Series last season, at the Le Mans Bugatti Circuit in France, and whilst dry running was limited due to adverse weather conditions, he was pleased with his performance. Primat said: “I felt under a bit of pressure coming into this test because it was my first with the team and with the stature they have in sportscar racing it’s the equivalent of a first test with McLaren in Formula One!

We also had a problem in that all three days brought wet conditions, but we managed some wet runs and I got close to Jean Christophe Boullion’s pace. I was about 8 tenths off in the end, and that was pleasing because he has driven for Pescarolo Sport for a long time and is one of the best endurance racers in the world. The most important thing though was that, despite the conditions, I didn’t make any mistakes. That is crucial because Henri does not accept any driver’s errors. At the end of the day if Henri is happy, then it means that I am doing a good job."

Primat managed just a handful of dry-laps in the rain-affected test but now, having tested Pescarolo’s Sports 2006 car, he is looking forward to sampling the team’s 2007 machinery at the official Le Mans Series test day at Paul Ricard on the 25th-26th March.

“I’m really looking forward to the official test and getting in the 2007 car. I had a slight problem with my seating position in the ‘06 car because of my height, but the ’07 chassis will be longer and wider. I’m confident the team will manage to make me comfortable in it. I will be working hard with my conditioning coach over the next ten days to ensure we are in top condition for the test."

Pescarolo Sport team boss Henri Pescarolo said: “Harold did a great job. The track conditions were very difficult because the grip was very changeable due to the rain. Harold and Jean-Christophe Boullion managed to run through our entire program, which included testing different types of shock absorbers, and the feedback we received from him was excellent. He will now test the new Pescarolo-Judd 2007 on the 25th and 26th March at the Paul Ricard Circuit."

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