IndyCar team to field ALMS entry in 2011

Racer Magazine published an article today announcing that Keith Wiggins and his HVM Racing team intends to field a prototype entry in the American LeMans Series in 2011. Already having a relationship with Lola that started back in 1997, the team plans on running a Lola chassis with an engine manufacturer that is yet to be announced. They are currently in negotiations with an engine producer and are not yet ready to make an announcement regarding their potential partnerships until all the contracts are signed.

“I have no intention of leaving IndyCars; the U.S. open-wheel scene will always be a passion of mine. It’s just that ALMS is another very attractive program out there, and I think it makes sense for our team not to have all its eggs in one basket. I’ve always been someone who enjoyed technology and, to my mind, racing has always been about development, advancements, being cutting edge and being relevant. The ALMS is a natural fit for that. There’s a lot of manufacturer interest, the cars are technically attractive with new technology, the TV package is strong and I just think the series has a good thing going." Keith Wiggins, owner of HVM Racing in Racer Magazine’s article

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