Todt possible for FIA presidency

UPDATE FOTA on Thursday seemed to object to speculation that Jean Todt, the former Ferrari team boss, is first in line to succeed Max Mosley as FIA president. With the rebel teams having dispensed with the controversial 69-year-old Briton, rumors indicate that Frenchman Todt, a divisive figure who was as unpopular as he was successful in the Michael Schumacher ERA, will receive Mosley's personal endorsement to assume the role late this year.

But at a meeting of the teams association in Bologna, FOTA vice-chairman and Toyota president John Howett said: "We would like to see someone independent, perhaps independent from any of us, either currently or historically.

"It would mean a much better balance."

FIA presidents are elected by the Paris federation's 122 member clubs, not the F1 teams.

Mosley doubts his successor, whoever he is, will be "more to their" liking than he ultimately was, but is now looking forward to returning from his Monaco base to his wife in London for a calmer life.

One of his first projects will be his memoirs.

"They will have plenty of very funny and explosive stories in them," the Briton promised.

FOTA, meanwhile, said on Thursday that its next step, after the regulatory battle with FIA, is a new commercial agreement with Bernie Ecclestone.


Jean Todt

(GMM) With Max Mosley to step down in October, attention is already turning to who his successor will be in charge of F1's governing FIA.

The timing of the 69-year-old's decision was interpreted as having been part of the peace deal with FOTA, and the Briton said on Wednesday: "Whether the person who succeeds me will be more to their liking remains to be seen."

The most obvious candidate is Monaco automobile club president Michel Boeri, who as president of the FIA senate will immediately take over Mosley's role in liaison with F1 teams.

But Mosley told Germany's Auto Motor und Sport: "I cannot imagine that Boeri is interested in the post (as FIA president). He is also too old."

In the German press, FIA vice-president Hermann Tomczyk ruled himself out of the running.

Ferrari's Jean Todt has long been mentioned as a candidate. "I would not like to exclude it," Mosley said of the possibility that the Frenchman will run for office.

Among many of the F1 teams, Todt is unlikely to be a popular choice, but Mosley pointed out that the teams do not have a say. The Briton, however, does.

"If there is more than one candidate, then I will give a recommendation," Mosley revealed.

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