Briscoe to team with Power

UPDATE #2 This RDS article says Tagliani will not be back with Team Australia as they prefer two Australian drivers (Briscoe and Power). He is talking to several other teams, including Rocketsports, Coyne, and RuSPORT.

10/23/06 "When I first showed Craig (Gore) the whole Team Australia thing with the Kangaroos and everything it was all about Australian drivers. Let's face it, that is the only way it will truly run as Team Australia.," said Derrick Walker.

"I am half Australian, even though I have not got the passport to prove it. I have an affection for the country," explained Walker, who was born in Scotland and spent his childhood in Western Australia.

"This team is all about Australians and Australian drivers in my book. So there is one who is not in this team who should be in this team in my book, and that is Ryan Briscoe. I do not know if that will happen, but I would love it to happen."

"Ryan Briscoe is very good and I would not be surprised to see him do really well (in Champ Cars)," said Walker.

"He has not had a lot of track time, which was Will's problem last year. He is with a good team and he certainly has the ability to go quick enough. There is nothing wrong with his credentials. If we run a two-car team (in 2007) I am saying that it should be two Aussies drivers. That is the way it should be."

Walker said a decision on drivers for next year would be made over the next month. Other than Power and Briscoe there are two other drivers in the Team Australia equation Alex Tagliani and Simon Pagenaud.

Tagliani has campaigned for Team Australia in its two years in Champ Cars, while Pagenaud caught plenty of attention when he won the Atlantic series this year for Team Australia and is being touted for bigger things.

"Will Power is a definite. One hundred per cent he will be there," said Walker. "Alex has always been a tremendous support to us. Alex might be part of the team next year, he might not.

"So there is Alex and Simon and Briscoe. But I am saying I would like to have him (Briscoe).

"We have talked on and off with him. In fact, if we could have had him in a third car this year I would have loved to have had him here.

"I am all for three cars. If you have enough money and enough time it gives you more opportunity to win. So three cars in my books is not a scary thought."

Walker said the final decision on the Team Australia driving make-up would be made with the head and not the heart.

"We have to look at it from a business perspective and that is what it is all about. Talent is really important, but first you have to get the finances and the direction of the team going," he said. Gold Coast Bulletin

10/22/06 If it was up to Team Australia boss Derrick Walker, Ryan Briscoe will be racing alongside Will Power for the Aussie team in 2007. "This team is all about Australians and Australian drivers in my book. So there is one who is not currently on this team who should be and that is Ryan Briscoe," said Walker. "I do not know if it will happen but I would love for it to happen. Ryan is very good and I would not be surprised to see him do really good in Champ Cars," added Walker. "If we run a two-car team in 2007 I am saying that it should be two Aussie drivers. That is the way it should be."

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