Dale Jr. featured on SportsCenter’s “My Wish”

For the fifth straight year, ESPN will present its critically acclaimed SportsCenter’s “My Wish" series, which chronicles sports-themed wishes granted to children with life-threatening medical conditions in collaboration with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Stephanie Druley, senior coordinating producer, ESPN, and David Williams, Make-A-Wish Foundation of America president & chief executive officer, announced today that the series will air Sunday, July 18, through Thursday, July 22.

This year’s series will bring the total of original SportsCenter “My Wish" episodes to 30 since 2006. This season, ESPN will help the Make-A-Wish Foundation, one of the world’s leading children’s charities, grant to five children wishes involving leading sports figures. Each wish will be the subject of one SportsCenter feature segment.

Similar to previous years, the SportsCenter segment will feature the story behind the wish, interviews with the youngsters and their families and a behind-the-scenes look at the wish fulfilled, including the interaction between each child and his or her favorite athlete. Emmy Award-winning reporter Chris Connelly will again host. This year’s participating wish-granters are Dale Earnhardt Jr., Albert Pujols, LaDainian Tomlinson, the Oakland Raiders and one other to be announced. (Editor’s note: additional details of the participating athletes and wish kids will be announced closer to air date.)

“Sports have a way of connecting people, the athletes, fans and viewers at home, and the ‘My Wish’ series is a great way to share unique and heartfelt experiences with some of the world’s top athletes and teams," Druley said. “The response we have received from participants and viewers these last four years has been incredibly positive, and we look forward to sharing the stories of the kids and athletes this season as we celebrate 30 wishes."

“Wherever I go across the country, the ‘My Wish’ series continues to be one of the most popular topics of conversation with people I meet," Williams said. “The features really engage viewers in our mission thanks to ESPN’s wonderful storytelling, and of course our courageous wish kids and the athletes who generously give time to grant their unique wishes. We truly appreciate the ongoing support of ESPN and its staff, who put so much dedication and care into bringing the kids’ stories to viewers each year."

ESPN.com will offer additional and complementary content related to the five wish-granting experiences.

“My Wish" has offered an unprecedented, behind-the-scenes look at the wish-granting experience and featured the wish children participating in sports-related activities with their favorite athletes or teams, including: Kobe Bryant, Michelle Kwan, Drew Brees, Tony Hawk, Chris Paul, David Wright and many more. To access and download images from the 2009 SportsCenter “My Wish" series, please click here. Visit www.espnmediazone.com for ESPN's latest releases, schedules and other news, plus photos, video and audio clips and more.

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