McLaren raves about KERS advantage

(GMM) McLaren-Mercedes' attitude towards the controversial energy-recovery technology KERS has changed.

Earlier this year, the Anglo-German outfit agreed with its fellow FOTA members to not use the systems in 2010, but a Williams spokesman recently sensed a change of heart, observing that "some FOTA members, notably Mercedes, look like they are reviewing their KERS policy".

Lewis Hamilton's win in Hungary a month ago was the historic first victory for a KERS-equipped car.

"There is no doubt now that KERS is an advantage," said team boss Martin Whitmarsh, according to the German news agency DPA.

In July, Mercedes' Norbert Haug observed that if "KERS can help you win then it will be taken seriously".

World champion Hamilton, who expects the MP4-24 to now be a regular challenger near the front of the field, had a similar message this week, according to the Daily Telegraph.

"As our car gets better KERS is going to become more and more valuable," he said. "I think if we were to take our KERS off then currently we are not as fast as, say, the Red Bulls.

"But with our KERS on I think we are now just as fast as them. Hopefully once we get our car to match theirs we will have a clear advantage," the Briton added.

KERS also got a mention in McLaren's pre-Valencia race preview, with Hamilton observing that while passing is difficult on the Spanish street circuit "with our KERS, Mercedes-Benz has proved that anything can happen".

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