Todt to meet F1 drivers at upcoming GP

(GMM) Jean Todt has accepted an invitation to meet with the Grand Prix Drivers' Association at an upcoming formula one race.

The Frenchman's rival candidate for the FIA presidency, Ari Vatanen, met with the GPDA at a recent grand prix.

"The GPDA have invited me to meet with them and I am very pleased to accept their invitation," Todt said on Friday. "I look forward to the opportunity to talk with them when I visit a forthcoming grand prix."

Todt's comments come one day after Finn Vatanen, a former world rally champion, announced leading members of his prospective FIA presidency cabinet.

Hermann Tomczyk, the leading German motor racing official, is Vatanen's potential deputy president for sport, and Fernando Falco y Fernandez de Cordova and Bernard Tay were also named.

"Together with them, we can bring about the necessary changes to make the FIA more transparent, more efficient and more effective and to increase the benefit for its members.

"Now, it is time for change and together we can achieve this," said Vatanen.

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