Mallya keeping options open for future

(GMM) Vijay Mallya cut a forlorn figure as he addressed the international media on Friday, having committed for 2010 to a series whose future is under a very dark cloud.

The Indian billionaire's outfit Force India recently followed Williams in breaking ranks with FOTA and signing up to the FIA world championship.

But on Friday the sport was deep in crisis: eight FOTA teams on one hand threatening to start their own series, and the governing FIA vowing legal action against them.

Facing the prospect of sharing a grid with Williams and a band of unfamiliar team names next year, Mallya said: "As of now, Force India is a confirmed entrant to the FIA 2010 formula one world championship and we wait to see the developments over the weekend.

"Until a clear direction has been identified, we do not wish to make any further comments."

He is clearly leaving open the door to the FOTA alliance, despite being expelled by the body for defecting.

"We have been completely open and transparent with FOTA," Mallya insisted.

"We have shared the legal and commercial obligations that necessitated our unconditional entry into next year's formula one world championship."

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