Philippe Passes Rookie Test at Kentucky Speedway

Again driving Genoa’s #36 Firestone® Indy Lights™ car, Richard Philippe passed his rookie test with flying colors. The test was attended by a total of 7 cars from Genoa, Sam Schmidt Motorsports, AFS/AGR, Herta, and Anderson.

The track was in fair shape. However, recently emerging from winter hibernation, it had not been ground yet, and so it was bumpy. The wind picked up throughout the day, and was quite gusty in the afternoon. Lap times were a bit sparse, but all the drivers/teams appeared to be lapping within 0.2 seconds of each other, well under last years’ pole speeds. Everyone appeared to have plenty of downforce, in deference to the conditions and to the imminent start of the season.

Richard ran comfortably at the head end of the field. Thomas Knapp and Richard continued to work well together, developing the car further in every session. Richard’s feedback resulted in a car that turned well and inspired confidence, especially while running in traffic later in the day. Running in a small pack, League officials commented that Richard’s car looked the fastest and that it appeared that he could comfortably hold the car down on the line all the way around, while a couple of the other cars were moving around a bit. It was a nice compliment for Thomas and for Richard.

The team now turns its attention to a private test at Sebring on Monday (the 30th) and the Season opener(s) at St. Pete on the 4th and 5th of April.

Mark Olson states: “Talk about Spring Fever … after such a seemingly long, cold winter, the anticipation of the beginning of the season is palpable. We’ve had a very successful off-season of development, the cars are back from paint, and now it’s time to go racing! We’re excited and full of high expectations for Richard and for the Team. Naturally, the hardest work lays before us, but that is what we do.

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