Autosport Show: John Bolster Award for Carl Haas

UPDATE Added photos of Haas receiving his award below.

Carl Haas goes up to receive his award
Carl Haas on stage in the UK

12/07/08 Legendary American team owner Carl Haas was presented with the John Bolster Award for technical achievement on behalf of his Newman/Haas partnership with the late Paul Newman at tonight's Autosport Awards in London.

"It was a great program we had together and we really miss him," he said. "In 24 years we won a lot of races and worked with some great people."

Mario Andretti paid this tribute to his former team boss: "As I look back with fondness on the 12 years I drove for you, I know this honor is truly deserved.

"Your victories and championships were a testament to your passion and love for the sport, and the outstanding team you assembled during the years.

"Congratulations on this lifetime achievement award, well done my friend."

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