Heidfeld on Kubica relationship

Nick Heidfeld thinks the good relationship he has with BMW teammate Robert Kubica has helped improve the driving of both.

Kubica has been Heidfeld’s teammate ever since he replaced Jacques Villeneuve for The Hungarian GP in 2006 and the German says his relationship with the then-rookie from Pland has been solid ever since.

"We get on very well, both on the track and away from it at PR appointments," said Heidfeld. "We have fun together. Robert is chilled out.

And while that friendship is temporarily forgotten in each race as the two vie for championship points, Heidfeld is adamant that any stride forward made by either one benefits the other.

"It is normal for us to be at the limit," he added.

"That is what takes you to the front on the track. When I look at the data, I can see if he has been a touch quicker in a turn, and can then work on that turn. This good relationship also helps the team."

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